Posts classified under: Other events

AgeingFIT 2022

Lille Lille, Francia


Tehran International Exhibition Permanent Fairground Valiasr Ave, shahid Chamran Highway, 1148 Tajrish, Teheran, Iran, Repubblica Islamica dell'

Collective participation at IRAN HEALTH 2022 Discover more >>

REGMED EUROPE – European B2B matchmaking event on biomaterials and regenerative medicine

Cité Universitaire di Parigi 17 Bd Jourdan, Parigi, Francia

REGMED EUROPE is the European B2B matchmaking event on biomaterials and regenerative medicine, which we co-organize together with the Interreg NWE BONE and Medicen project. A great opportunity to discover more about biomaterials, regenerative medicine, regulatory challenges and be inspired by the most innovative SMEs and European clusters. There will also be a matchmaking session, … Continue reading REGMED EUROPE – European B2B matchmaking event on biomaterials and regenerative medicine