A. Costantino & C. S.P.A.
Via Francesco Romana 11-15
10083 Favria TO
E-mail: info@acostantino.com
Website: www.acostantino.com
Number of employees: 46
Establishment year: 1922
Business sectors: pharma/ biopharma / neutraceutics & food safety / cosmetics
Who we are
The company A. Costantino & C. S.P.A. was founded in 1922; activities began with the production of protein peptones and enzymes, such as pancreatin and pepsin.
Over the years, the range of products has expanded to include protein derivatives of silver, bromine and iodine, and peptones for bacteriological use, which are used both by animal disease prevention centers and in industry for the preliminary preparation of milk enzymes.
Enzyme production was consolidated in the postwar period, and expanded in the 1950s and 1960s to include products for opotherapy. After casein hydrolysates were introduced to Europe from America, the production of enzymatic casein hydrolysates for pharmaceutical use was started. Due to increased market demand in the 1980s, resources were gradually devoted to the development and production of peptones, protein extracts, and hydrolysates of animal and plant origin.
During the 1990s, the plant went through a complete restructuring cycle, and the latest production technologies and state-of-the-art process control systems were gradually introduced, allowing the company the best possible assurance of process and product quality.
We understand that only those who recognize tomorrow’s needs today will be able to secure their market position in the long run. Our ambition is to develop, produce and sell optimal products and quality services in every business segment through application specialists who work closely with our customers to develop, design and implement solutions and concepts that will ensure our mutual success.
What we do
The company is a world leader in the preparation of protein hydrolysates, ingredients used by pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food, and veterinary companies.
The main application of these products lies in the field of industrial microbial fermentation and the preparation of culture media for microbiology. Over the years, the company’s horizons have expanded beyond national borders, and clients now include some of the world’s best-known pharmaceutical companies.
This expansion has also enabled the company to expand its production range, now including enzyme categories for pharmaceutical and industrial use, animal organ extracts for pharmaceutical use, in addition to peptones and protein hydrolysates for industrial fermentation and microbiology.
In recent years, application fields have also been expanded, going to serve the market of functional ingredients for the food industry for their technological capabilities (increased solubility, emulsifiers…) and nutraceuticals for their bioactivity (antimicrobials, ACE-inhibitors, hunger regulators…), as well as specific products for agriculture, such as plant-derived biostimulants approved for use in organic farming.
Our production technologies-grinding, milling, hydrolysis, filtration and separation, spray drying, blending, analytical profiling, and state-of-the-art equipment-allow maximum production flexibility and enable us to create high-quality products.
The company believes it is important to develop new processes and products, with special attention to their environmental impact, from renewable raw materials and by-products that can be reused to produce new products of industrial interest.
A flexible production system, and constant quality control allow for customized product specifications for customers. Flavors, chemical and bacteriological properties, molecular weights, blends, costs, protein level, and protein sources are the parameters we combine with our Know-how. More than 250 product specifications are in the portfolio to date, and more will come…