Via Martiri XXX Aprile 30
10093 Collegno (TO)
Contact: Flavio Boraso
Role: Director
Email: aslto3@cert.aslto3.piemonte.it
Phone: 011 40171
Website http://www.aslto3.piemonte.it
Business sectors: Healthcare (Health Care Services and Suppliers)
Health, Hospital, Healthcare
ASL TO3, in line with the goals and objectives of the National Health Plan and the Regional Health Plan, in order to ensure the protection of the mental and physical health of the population, aims to:
- ensuring levels of health care
- essential and uniform in its territory consistent with epidemiological evidence;
- deliver necessary and appropriate services consistent with allocated resources.
The Mission of ASL TO3 is to improve the quality of life by improving the quality of health care by operating according to the following basic values:
- orientation to the person
- integration between health services and the local community
- the constant search for areas of excellence