Via Po 11
10034 Chivasso (TO)
Contact: Vincenza Palermo
Role: Director S.C. Risk Management
Email: vpalermo@aslto4.piemonte.it
Phone: 0125 414421
Website www.aslto4.piemonte.it
Health, e-Health, Hospital, taking charge of the patient on the territory
The institutional goal of ASLTO4 relays in the aim of protecting the health of its local population.
In order to achieve this target, ASLTO4 has developed an organizational health-oriented system which not only sticks to the principles of suitability, efficacy and adequacy ,in line with Italian National and Regional LEAs ( essential standards of care ) ,but pursues the maximun quality and safety of care as well .
Activities of health prevention and promotion are being offered so as to help spreading correct lifestyles and improving the quality of life of the inhabitants. Moreover, ASLTO4 keeps empowering its own complexes, both hospital and territorial , spread across its area of competence ,whilst enhancing operative networks through careful updating both of professionals clinical competence and technological equipments , thus preventing users from endangering themselves.
Finally, along the lines of innovations in medical field ,new important initiatives are getting a foothold in telemedicine subject. ASTO4 is thus promoting initiatives in order to grant medical assistance through remote health monitoring whilst guaranteeing safety and continuity of care.