Associazione Silenziosi operai della croce
Contrada Valleluogo – Adriano Irpino
13040 Adriano Irpino (AV)
Contact: Mara Strazzacappa
Email: amministrazione@trompone.it
Phone: 0039 0161426653
Website http://www.trompone.it/
Establishment year: 1960
Number of employees: 165
Business sectors: Healthcare (Health Care Services and Suppliers)
Health, Hospitals, Scientific Bioresearch. nursing home, rehabilitation, diagnostics
Silenziosi Operai della Croce (Silent Workers of the Cross) is an association of consacrated people involved in care of suffering people, in social and sanitary activities and in editorial activities.
There are 9 centres in Italy and 5 in foreign country.
In Moncrivello (VC) Italy: – Private Clinic “Mons. Luigi Novarese” settled in the National Health System specialised in rehabilitation with 90 beds, outpatient clinics and radiology.
Centre of education and teaching in Medical Science University degree in Occupational Therapy (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma).