Azienda ospedaliera Ordine Mauriziano di Torino
Via Magellano 1
10128 Torino (TO)
Contact: Azzolina Maria Carmen
Role: Medical Director
Email: mazzolina@mauriziano.it
Website https://www.mauriziano.it/
Establishment year: 1881
Business sectors: Healthcare (Health Care Services and Suppliers)
The Azienda Ospedaliera Ordine Mauriziano of Turin stands out in the Piedmontese health care landscape as a ‘company with highly specialized areas, supported by a highly professional primary care area and well-represented and developed care areas dedicated to the protection of frailty.
The Company consists of the Presidio Umberto I of Turin (which derives from the Mauritian Order), located at Largo Turati n.62 – built in 1881 and enriched with numerous pavilions during the last century.The Company has always wanted to be a structure open to the territory capable of responding to the citizens’ demand for health, guaranteeing the patient the attention, seriousness and honesty of care, in full respect of the inviolable dignity of each person.
Protection of population health is pursued with all social, political, economic and voluntary components at the provincial level and
regional. Within the organizational principles and choices for the development of the quality of services provided, the Company places at the first places:
- the enhancement of professional excellence in the hospital and the proven collaboration of multidisciplinary and multiprofessional teams, the added value of this hospital reality, with a view to effective clinical governance;
- safety and competence development of caregivers and patients through an organizational model based on intensity of care and geared toward enhancing cultural and behavioral mechanisms for health promotion and education.
In general, the company’s Hospital Presidium is organized according to a care model involving both inpatient (ordinary and daytime) and outpatient activities.