
Corso Vercelli, 117
10015 Ivrea (TO)

Contact: Anastasi Giuseppe
Role: CEO
E-mail: mktg@cerotek.it
Website: www.cerotek.it

Number of employees: 1
Year of establishment: 2018


Cerotek was founded in 2018 as innovative start-up by Dr. Antonio Di Matteo, psychiatric and Director of social-assistance buildings for elder and disabled people, with the collaboration of Eng. Fabio Grimaldi with experience in company management. Since the half of 2021, the entrance of the 360°- industrial driver MDT-Italia Srl in the share capital, has allowed to narrow the product offer. The initial project was to develop a sensor for monitoring patients’ movements and temperature h24. Today, the company’s focus is to develop, produce and commercialize innovative and high-tech products and services, especially medical devices developed with state-of-the-art technologies.

Legal nature

Since March 2023, Cerotek is part of the innovative SMEs register.


Cerotek’s working field is experimental R&D in other sciences and Engineering. Its focus is to develop, produce and commercialize innovative and high-tech products and services, especially medical devices developed with state-of-the-art technologies that can intervene in emergency or prevention contexts.

Mission and Vision

  • Mission: to grant a higher speed of intervention from sanitary personnel, granting a safe and  controlled context and improving assisted people’s life through high-tech medical devices.
  • Vision: since Italy is the second country with the highest number of elder people in the world,  Cerotek’s goal is to revolutionize the concepts of assistance and prevention, overcoming the  drastic break between home and residential services. 

Company values

  • Improve elder people’s quality of life as ad added value in the society. 
  • Improve the assistance for elder people, fostering the interaction between residency and  domiciliation. 
  • Transform Care facilities for elderlies in a safe place, with 24-hour assistency and monitoring.
  • Mitigate the inconvenience caused by lack of qualified personnel. 


  • All-in-one platform: Cerotek satisfies the request og urgency in case of tele-assistance and  telemedcicine-driven prevention.
  • Drastically reduce the time of some functions that would require much more time, thus offering  timeliness in administering medicines, having a view of the patient’s history and intervening in  case of urgency.

Economic objectives

  • Cost optimization for caregivers and the assisted patient.
  • Optimization of patients’ movement only for health needs.

Services features

Cerotek’s service allows operativity in both Teleassistance and Telemedicine

In the field of Teleassistance, the main focus is to provide products able to facilitate sanitary  personnel’s job, improving the quality of assistance and reducing error risks. With this mind, Cerotek’s  offer focuses on three products two of which can be declined both in structure and at home. 

For Cerotek, Telemedicine is synonym of prevention

The aim is to grant a service through which the individual can carry out measurements from home, both  independently and with the support of a caregiver, monitoring the progress of various vital parameters,  with the generation of warnings for remote intervention by qualified personnel. 


CentroStella is the main service designed by Cerotek. It is a management software, which can work on  local or Cloud databases. It is a digital platform that integrates, elaborates and coordinates data  coming from the devices it uses, analyzing their trend. It was created with the specific purpose of  improving the quality of care, implementing the observational level, thus favoring the centrality of the  person and reducing the possibility of errors in the process of managing the patient. 

Through CentroStella, it is possible to: 

  • Create the anagraphic of doctors, nurses, operators and patients. 
  • Associate the devices offered to the patient and monitor its requests. 
  • Real-time monitor the patient through wearables that measure different life parameters, fall,  shaking, allowing to immediate receive alarms on a dashboard of control and on an App for  qualified operators. 
  • Manage patients’ therapy, both in the Structure and at home, granting the preparation and  administration of the right therapy to the right person, with the right dose and the right  administration route, at the right time. 
  • Extrapolate different reports about data on CentroStella. 

Hardware for teleassistance

iSensor is a patented wearable device (BIT26052) that allows patient monitoring thanks Immediate  Alarms such as fall and shaking, and Delayed Alarms such as body temperature and position. iGate  installation allows to map the Healthcare Structure and patients’ localization. 

iSensor Pro is a smartwatch with integrated SIMM that allows detection of certain vital parameters such  as body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure, as well as activation of an SOS in case of a fall.  

Service call is a wireless system that acts via radio frequency and consists of head, bathroom alarm and  light alarm. Our system, connected to the CentroStella management system, allows you to monitor the  speed of an intervention. Thanks to the generation of alarms, both visual and audible, and the  notification of notifications on the appropriate app or on the screens present in the corridors, our  Assistance Call System complies with the German regulation VDE-0834. With the Keep Alive function,  a check can be made every 24 hours regarding the actual functioning of the devices.  

Therapy management: based on NFC tag technology, the Cerotek therapy management system  responds to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health regarding errors in drug therapy and follows  the 7G Rule. It is a patented system (BIT28042) for: a) the preparation phase of the Right Therapy, at  the Right Time, with the Right Dose for the Right Person b) the drug delivery phase c) the drug  administration phase d) the therapy intake control phase. It is declined in:

  • Self-administered therapy management; after loading the Therapy of the individual person on  CentroStella, indicating the dose, the frequency and adding the photo of the patient, it will be  possible to associate the tag with the same. In this way, by approaching the smartphone with  installed app to the tag, it will be possible to open the Right Therapy of the Right Guest. 
  • Medication inventory management; by associating the NFC tag to the person’s or active  substance inventory, it will be possible to manage medications, their location, expiration and  validity, thus minimizing waste and managing them in FIFO.
  • iPill Box; a 28-station dispenser that can hold therapy for, say, one week. Using CentroStella, it  will be possible to program the dispenser with the Right Therapy of the Right Person at the Right  Time. It also includes an App provided to the patient to remind them, at the right time, of taking  the medicine.

Hardware for Telemedicine

Doktorbag is a case containing easy-to-use medical aids that allow the monitoring of body  temperature, blood pressure, saturation, weight, the level of hydration of the body and carry out  the ECG of the person at a distance. This is possible thanks to a tablet inside the case that, connected  to CentroStella, allows the recording of data collected, the generation of warnings in the event of any  anomalies with respect to the set thresholds and the display and printing of the measurement history. 

Possibilities of use 

Cerotek provides services for: 

  • Emergency response and prevention for the end user who may be the host of RSA (private or  public).
  • Homecare that is addressed to 1) autonomous person (digital autonomic assisted), who can be  assisted directly by his or her doctor, specialist to whom the app is provided 2) the caregiver who  takes care of the patient who may be a family member or a caregiver.
  • B2C market in view of prevention from potential chronic disorders and immediate interventions  in emergency cases such as falling.