Gem For Lab
Via Ing. Comotto n. 36
10014 Caluso (TO)
Contact: Barbara Canepa
Role: Director
Email: info@gemforlab.com
Phone: 011/0891050
Website http://www.gemforlab.com
Establishment year: 2017
Number of employees: 12
Number of employees R&D: 10
Mass Spectrometry, Proteomics, Organic Chemistry, Immunoassay, Cell and Molecular Biology, Test Facility, GLP, GCP, Clinical Diagnostic
GEM FORLAB gives continuity to the experience of ABLE Biosciences as a global provider of scientific technology and services to the Life Science industry. It delivers solutions to companies of all size and
GEM FORLAB performs its activities by means of three technology areas:
- Organic Chemistry
- Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics
- Cell and Molecular Biology & Immunoassay
The Chemistry Unit provides all essential components for early drug discovery such as synthesis of chemical intermediates, process impurities, reference compounds, drug metabolites, and pro-drug; lead
generation and optimization; bioconjugate chemistry; targeted molecules for MRI and others Molecular Imaging techniques.
ABLE Biosciences is a Test Facility GLP certified for small and large molecules quantitative analysis in biological matrices by means of Mass Spectrometry, Immunometric assays and qPCR and it is included in OsSC register of Private Laboratories qualified to perform analysis on samples derived from drug clinical trials (phase I-II-III) in compliance with GCP.