Tecnologie Avanzate S.r.l.
Lungo Dora Voghera 36/A
10153 Torino (TO)
Contact: Silvia Pesente
Role: R&D
Phone: 011 660 0101
Website https://tecnologieavanzate.com/
Establishment year: 1971
Number of employees: 40
Business sectors: Medical devices / Biotech Healthcare, ICT for Health / e-health, Others
Medical technologies, imaging, nuclear medicine, rx, diagnostics, instrument, algorithm, devices, software
Tecnologie Avanzate was founded in 1971 introducing to the Italian market innovative medical technologies in the field of nuclear physics and RX diagnostics, focusing progressively over the years on cutting-edge systems such as solid state dosimetry, nuclear medicine with special detectors and DSP technology and accelerators integrated with imaging. In the following years, the company expanded its product range to include new fields such as radiotherapy, neurosurgery, radiology and imaging, establishing exclusive collaborations with leading multinational companies and leading research centers for the development of software, calculation algorithms and clinical trials.
Today the company, strong of its great experience in the field of oncology, neurosurgery, radioprotection and medical physicist, has several exclusive distribution contracts in Italy and has numerous installations in the main national reference centers.