
Project title: Implementation of an integrated lab-on-a-chip system for nucleic acid amplification with diagnostic applications in the area of human infectivity
Acronym: LOCTECH

Type: Project
Annuality: Second
TP/LS membership: CMDI/HMNA1
Lead partner: Cori
Partner: Eltek, Cyanine Technologies, R.T.M., National Institute of Metrological Research, University of Turin (NIS)

Status: Completed


It is well known how human pathogens are the cause of diseases that can lead to major consequences both in terms of severity and duration and debilitation of those affected. Early diagnosis, and appropriate and reliable follow-up is essential in these cases.

Of particular importance is the rapid diagnosis of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis through the use of advanced molecular biology techniques.


Design and prototyping of an automatic instrument capable of amplifying nucleic acids and performing detection of the amplified, using polymeric cards (“Lab-on-chip” type: LoC), in which reagents are placed.
Reagent design for the realization of diagnostics in the area of human infectivity, such as research of herpetic viruses ; Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other Mycobacteria; Viruses and bacteria causing respiratory diseases.


In the face of fantastic advances in medicine, there are still medical and dysgnostic areas that need considerable development to solve serious problems. Viruses and bacteria responsible for important diseases that are little talked about but lead to serious consequences for affected patients need earlier and more timely diagnosis. This issue is exacerbated in our days by the much talked about immigration phenomena.