Via dei Ponderanesi 2,
13875 Ponderano (BI)

Contact: Francesco D’aloia
Role: General Management
Phone: 01515151

Number of employees: 1900
Business sectors: Healthcare (Health Care Services and Suppliers)

Health, Hospital, Healthcare


ASL BI is the health reference point for the population in the Biella district through:

  • Innovative solutions for social and health integration, aimed at enhancing home care and ensuring continuity and quality to all health care activities
  • The dissemination of correct lifestyles among the population in order to improve the fight against chronic degenerative diseases
  • The maintenance of state-of-the-art health technology equipment
  • Investment in experimental and research activities
  • Multidisciplinarity: collaboration with excellence in other health care organizations, public-private partnerships, and collaborations with associations and volunteers.
  • Optimization of response time, reduction of waiting lists, and constant focus on equity
  • Economic sustainability with assurance of adequacy (effectiveness, efficiency and safety of services)
  • The development and enhancement of professionalism and continuing education of staff – Attention to the quality of working life and organizational well-being.