Via XX Settembre, 126
14100 Asti
Contact: Maurizio Serpentino
Role: Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer
E-mail: socialcoop@socialcoop.it
Website: www.socialcoop.it
Number of employees: 7
Establishment year: 1990
SOCIALCOOP, consortium of social cooperatives is a social cooperative society based in Asti Via XX Settembre n. 126, was born in 1990 from the need of a group of cooperatives in Asti, members of Confcooperative Asti, to have at their disposal an entrepreneurial policy tool that would allow them to access work orders that due to complexity or amounts individual organizations would not be able to achieve.
This type of corporate aggregation, typical of the world’s Confcooperative, enabled the rationalization of structure costs with the verticalization of functions and the possibility of specializing individual members in activities pertaining to the same field, but complementary and integrable with each other.
SOCIALCOOP’s activities began in the province of Asti, with the provision of contract services to public and private institutions operating in the field of residential care for the lderly;has been consolidated and expanded in the neighboring province of Cuneo, especially the Langhe and Roero area; expanded in the other areas as a result of contacts with local communities and to build common projects of development of entrepreneurial initiatives, particularly related to the cooperative movement.
SOCIALCOOP today manages 18 presidia for the non-self-sufficient elderly – RSAs – and operates mainly in Piedmont, in the provinces of Cuneo where 8 RSAs are located, Asti with 5 RSAs, Novara and Turin with 2 RSAs each; then it manages one RSA in Lombardy, province of Milan and one in Liguria province of Savona; the legal and administrative headquarters are in Asti. In total, it manages 1,290 beds and entrusts the provision of services to member social cooperatives (Opera, Itaca and GE.S.A.C.).
Socialcoop thus stands as an enterprise-network of member cooperative enterprises; it is the expert system of social entrepreneurship at the service of the local reality. Socialcoop thus promotes the design and entrepreneurial development of its members by defining and ensuring cooperative quality standards, making, even member cooperatives, capable of entrepreneurial autonomy.
The aggregate mission of Socialcoop and its member cooperatives is thus implemented:
- In providing residential care services for dependent persons, specialized andcontinuous, ensuring the highest possible quality of life, in compliance with guests/users, their individuality, dignity and confidentiality, considering the special needs physical, psychological, social and relational.
- in the promotion of functional autonomy, social and community inclusion reducing states of distress as much as possible, translating the overall concept of health promotion, in close cooperation with community services and the family.
The type of action is based not only on continuous performance improvement but also on the transparency of work, professional ethics, protection of working conditions, of the enforcement of collective agreements and safety in the workplace.
The means by which to achieve the company’s mission is the all-around care of the guest, takeover that starts with the architectural design and renovation of the building, designed with a view to creating an optimal living environment for the elderly, with solutions innovative construction, to achieve the maintenance of residual potential and relations with the outside world.