Logos Centro Studi
Villa Santonè,
Via martiri d’Italia, 14
10014 Caluso (TO)
Contatto: Fernando Salvetti
Ruolo: Founder | Managing partner
Email: salvetti@logosnet.org
Telefono: +39 011 19620030
Sito http://www.centrostudilogos.info/
Anno di Fondazione: 2001
Impiegati: 4
Settori di attività: ICT for Health / e-health
Advanced simulation. Life-sized holograms. Augmented and virtual reality. Virtual labs. Visual communication. Virtual and real standardized patients. Skills training. Knowledge dissemination. Capacity building. Interactive tutorials. Flipped teaching. Learning 4.0.
Since 1996, we have been working on over 800 projects, on 5 continents, in 83 countries, involving over 50,000 people–engaging some of the most admired organizations in the world and working with more than 3,000 of the most respected leaders, experts and practitioners in the domains of business, civil society and academia.
Logosnet is a professional practice, not a business, with a global footprint: a not-for-profit and non-governmental organization with branches and antennas, as well as a few instrumental companies, set up in different countries. The main places from where we work are Turin (Italy), Lugano (Switzerland), Houston (USA).
For every project and activity we engage a team from our network. That is why we are innovative and effective. Our raison d’être is that in the current world knowledge and know-how are the key factors and derive from the best minds at work: goal oriented achievers, trusted professionals with business savvy and broad industry experience, exceptional scholars.
Our teams are extremely flexible and change according to the nature of the work we are asked to perform. We have a strong, small core team: a collection of people with very different backgrounds. We also rely on a larger group of experienced professionals from our knowledge network who join us whenever a bigger team is needed.
A few important aspects of the people working with us are:
- A service attitude in the most selfless way.
- An allergy to compromise because they do not settle for something that does not feel right or complete.
- The ability to deepen and expand: whatever their experience or point of departure, everyone is invited to move their understanding to a deeper layer, to experiment in new ways, and to step beyond their comfort zone.
- The willingness to find their true voice: through practice, applied research and experimentation, every team member and every expert from the network is invited to find their unique way to express their talent in every aspect of their work.