Posts classified under: Event type

Opportunities for Business in the Life and Health Sciences and Life Sciences Sector UNITED STATES AND INDUSTRY DOCTORATES.

On-line su piattaforma webex

Goals The Ph.D. is the highest degree of education in the Italian academic system and aims to train professional researchers; the Ph.D. is a decisive added value, for companies that … Continue reading Opportunities for Business in the Life and Health Sciences and Life Sciences Sector UNITED STATES AND INDUSTRY DOCTORATES.

Assessment Lifescience: the activities’ indispensable to evaluate objectively the soft skills of each resource

Piattaforma webex di Bioindustry Park

Lecturer Maria Campanaro - Advisor and Assessor LifeScience During the meeting, we will have the opportunity to deepen the characteristics of the Assessment methodology in a perspective of development and … Continue reading Assessment Lifescience: the activities’ indispensable to evaluate objectively the soft skills of each resource


Tehran International Exhibition Permanent Fairground Valiasr Ave, shahid Chamran Highway, 1148 Tajrish, Teheran, Iran, Repubblica Islamica dell'

Collective participation at IRAN HEALTH 2022 Discover more >>

MedFIT 2022

Grenoble Grenoble, Francia

Digital health and AI – patentable ideas


Lecturer Eng. Erika Andreotti The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), impact of 4IR in lifescience, patent: you can! , secret, copyright

NutrEvent 2022

Nantes Nantes, Francia

Digital health & protection of images, logos and design: strategies for choice, storage and protection in the pharmaceutical and medical sector


Lecturers Eng. Erika Andreotti e Doct. Raffaella Barbuto DESIGN, DESIGN protection, digital revolution and DESIGN, APP protection and graphic user interfaces, "moving design" protection, examples and reflections, main protection strategiesDefinition … Continue reading Digital health & protection of images, logos and design: strategies for choice, storage and protection in the pharmaceutical and medical sector