Corso Castelfidardo 30/A
10129 Torino
Contact: Orazio Antonino Maria Pennisi
Role: co-founder
E-mail: orazio.pennisi@aequip.it
Website: www.aequip.it
Number of employees: 6
Establishment year: 2020
Business sectors: medical devices / biotech healthcare / ICT for health / e-health
AEQUIP, an acronym for “Automated Enhanced QUantitative Imaging in Immunohistochemistry and Pathology,” is a project born at the Polytechnic University of Turin in 2016 and became a Start-up and Spin-off of the Polytechnic University of Turin in 2020. The start up aims to develop innovative and automated tools for the interpretation and quantification of medical images. Our focus branch is pathologic anatomy, but the techniques developed can be applied in multimodal and multiscale settings such as radiology, ultrasonography, microscopy, and dermatology.
Gli algoritmi sviluppati da AEQUIP mirano a migliorare la qualità dei dati e a estrarre informazioni clinicamente rilevanti dalle immagini mediche, generando output quantitativi e qualitativi utili a supportare lo specialista durante l’analisi. Our tools integrate new techniques such as Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Machine Learning, with mathematical-statistical parameters in a new proprietary approach we call MDI: Mathematical Driven Intelligence.
AEQUIP is a group of professionals with multifaceted skills, ranging from electronic bioengineering to artificial intelligence and management.
The Specialist-Machine pair for more accurate and faster medical image analysis.
What we deal with
Our first branch of interest is pathological anatomy, a discipline that deals with, among other things, the study of cancer, which is the 2nd leading cause of death worldwide. More than 19.3 million new cases were diagnosed worldwide in 2020, and these, according to the Global Cancer Observatory, will grow to 28.9 million in 2040, an increase of about 50 percent in 20 years.
In this context, AEQUIP aims to support the specialist, the anatomopathologist, in cancer diagnosis by providing innovative tools.
The anatomopathologist every day has the task of producing in a limited time a large number of diagnoses from the analysis of organic tissues, examined in the form of histological slides. It is a complex, analytical activity that needs extreme care and accuracy. Now, with technological advancement, the histology slide has become digital. Among the various advantages of this development is the ability to apply algorithms that can improve image quality and extract information from the digital image of the tissue.
In order to adequately support the anatomic pathologist in the diagnosis process, AEQUIP offers two initial products:
- STAINS, which allows optimization of the color profile of the image to be analyzed.
- ASSIST, which is able to recognize and quantify tumor areas.
The systems developed by AEQUIP are easily integrated into clinical routines and are capable of analyzing the image from any digitizer on the market and processing it with automated proprietary algorithms. In this way, the pathologist is joined in the diagnostic process by systems that require minimal user interaction while at the same time being able to provide him with all the tools he needs to do his job to the best of his ability.