Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Maggiore della Carità di Novara
Corso Mazzini n.18
28100 Novara
Role: Clinical Trial Center Representative
Email: ctc@maggioreosp.novara.it
Website: www.maggioreosp.novara.it
Number of employees: 2500
Year of establishment: 1994
Fields of activity: healthcare
The Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria (AOU) Maggiore della Carità di Novara employs about 3.000 qualified professionals working in hospital assistance teaching and research. In addition to managing 2 Hospital Health Services (Maggiore della Carità and Galliate) and 1 branch office (San Giuliano), the AOU Maggiore della Carità is the main reference of the oncology Pole of the provinces of Novara, Vercelli and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola is therefore recognised as a centre of great excellence in the Italian healthcare sector.
The Company provides services for the diagnosis and treatment of acute diseases and those requiring urgent intervention. These services are characterized by the commitment to humanization of each stage of the care process, through the research and promotion of all operational methods that guarantee a
good service to citizens and are inspired by the constitutionally established principles for the protection of human rights.
In addition, the fields of application are basic research, clinical research and constant experimentation, with a view to continuous improvement of the cost/benefit ratio regarding care. In the context of clinical trials, the AOU Maggiore della Carità di Novara relies considerably on the Clinical Trial Center (CTC), which has been an integral part of the Medical Directorate of Hospital Facilities (DMPO) since 2020.
This context also includes the collaboration with the Inter-company Ethics Committee of Novara, which has been identified as one of the two reference centers of the Piedmont Region, and is included in the 40 National Ethics Committees, as per Decree 26 January 2023.
The Company is headquarter of the main levels of training organization, through the collaboration with Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” (UPO) since 2007, which provides degree courses, internships, stages, Specialization Schools, PhDs and continue training in the perspective of the fulfilment of the Continuing Education in Medicine provided by the Ministry of Health. Recently a collaboration with UPO was established for the evaluation and reporting of scientific production and the development of nursing studies, aimed at improving the assistance care of patients and their families. The AOU also collaborates with the University’s Biobank. Moreover, thanks to national and international collaborations, the Company achieved many research funds (NRRP and Regional funds).
As concerns Quality Systems and (inter-)national accreditations, the AOU achieved the following goals:
✓ Institutional accreditation for Sanitary Public Healthcare Units, in line with the requisites of General Area (May 2021).
✓ ISO Certification (8 buildings are active: SCDU Ematologia, SC Servizio Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale, SCDO Farmacia Ospedaliera, SCDU Dermatologia, SCDU Oncologia, SCDU Biochimica Clinica, Centro Prelievi, Clinical Trial Center e DIPSA)
✓ JACIE, CNT/CNS accreditation of Transplant Programme CSE (3 buildings are active: SCDU Ematologia, SC Servizio Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale e SCDO Farmacia Ospedaliera).
✓ EUSOMA Certification (buildings of Breast Unit).
Finally, the AOU is involved in the path for Autocertification to develop Phase I Clinical Trials and set-up Phase I Study Unit, made-up by the Emato-Oncology unit, Clinical Trial Center, SCDO Farmacia Ospedaliera and by SC Immuno-emetology and Transfusional Medicine Service.