Value Services S.p.A.
Via Piave, 66
00187 Roma (RM)
Contact: Maria Cristina Giacobbo Scavo
Role: CEO
Email: info@valueser.it
Phone: +39 06 69940911
Website https://www.valueser.com
Establishment year: 1986
Number of employees: 29
Number of employees R&D: 4
Others (Consultancy)
Value Services is a consulting firmspecializing in the area of European, national, regional subsidized finance and the Startup system. It was founded in 1986 within the Olivetti Group under the name Olival. It became independent in 1999, under the name Value Services S.p.A. It operates throughout the country with a team of 80 professionals and more than 600 Clients including major multinationals, large industrial companies, SMEs and innovative startups. It has always regarded subsidized finance not only as an opportunity, but as a strategic tool for financing companies’ development plans and ensuring sound business management.
5 Locations in Rome – Milan – Naples – Jesi (AN) – Turin.
The main areas of focus:
- Research and Innovation for the development of innovative products, services and/or processes.
- Business Development for programs to modernize the production capacity of companies and also for new business ventures (start-ups).
- Internationalization for opening or expanding business and/or production facilities abroad and for first-time participation in trade fairs in non-EU countries.
- Training on concessional finance issues, with a particular focus on innovation and sustainability.
Areas of expertise
- National finance (FCS, MiSE calls, Invitalia calls, etc.)
- Regional finance (e.g. POR ERDF, R.L. 34, etc.)
- European finance (EIC Accelerator, Horizon Europe, etc.)
- Tax benefits Transition 4.0 (R&D tax credit, Capital goods,etc)
- Corporate finance
- Start-up system (Smart & Start, etc)