
Project title: Bioactive nanoparticles for diagnosis, therapy and molecular imaging.
Acronym: BANP

Type: Project
Annuality: First
TP/LS membership: CMDI/HMNA 1
Lead partner: Cyanine Technologies
R.T.M., Techfab (replaced by Eltek), APAvadis Biotechnologies, Nanovector, Cori, University of Turin (Dept. of Oncological Sciences, NIS, Dept. of Anatomy), National Institute of Metrological Research, University of Eastern Piedmont (Dept. of Medical Sciences)

Status: Completed


Imaging at the cellular and molecular levels of pathophysiological processes (convergence of disease evolution with the mechanisms operating in an organism) requires markers that can be used in vivo, and systems that allow noninvasive monitoring of their uptake. The main limitation in current biomedical diagnostics is the ability to identify a single molecular biomarker within a complex system (tissue or biological fluid).


The BANP project has developed nanometer-sized systems that, made appropriately functional for the biomedical field, can be useful for diagnostic imaging-through fluorescent particle development-and therapeutic applications; it has also made a prototype instrument, which is inexpensive and can detect disease-associated cellular events via infrared.


Thanks to the BANP project, a new methodology for imaging has been devised that is useful in improving the understanding of the evolution of many diseases and therapeutic applications for cancer, ischemia, and Alzheimer’s disease. The design of an ad hoc tool makes this methodology accessible on a large scale, thus to all those individuals treating the aforementioned conditions.